How to: E-mail Auto-Responder

E-mail is the most cost-effective way to stay in contact with your customer base. No stamps or waiting time is required and it can be received from anywhere.  So what’s the most cost-effective way of e-mailing?

An auto responder is a quick way to easily reach everyone in your contacts list.  There are several apps that you can use like Constant Contact and iContact.  For our purpose, we’ll use iContact.

First you need to import a contact list.  What’s the point of having an auto responder if you have no one to send e-mails to?

iContact has four ways to import contacts: one-by-one data entry style, uploading a text file, copy and pasting into a form, or using sign up forms.

Next you’ll want to divide up your contacts so you can focus your message.  Most people will either fall into a customer, a prospect, or other, such as a supplier.

In iContact, this is done via the My List tab.  After that is done, now is the time to create your actual e-mails.

The biggest reason I’d recommend using a service rather than building your own auto responder script is simplicity.  All of the aforementioned apps above have step-by-step templates that make professional looking e-mails.  That way, you can make a something that’s unique without having to hire a graphic designer.

Now, go forth and start your e-mail marketing campaigns!